28 июл 2019
Der Diktator | Deutscher Trailer HD
Byramovich 7
hachan gorkezyalerka bilyanmi???
Byramovich 7
samalyotlyja gitmeli gormane eger gorkezseler)) ggg
Byramovich 7
Ирина Селиверстова (Кран)
Do you speak Russia???What is the name of this movie?Sorry for my bad English Funny advertising, would like to see the movie in full!!!Please write in Russia if possible!Thank you!!!
Julia Clark ( Levtsenko)
Kino nazivaetsa Dictator, ili po russki Diktator!!! Otsen smesnoe i ludse Borata, otsen rekomenduju, mozno smejatsa do slez!!!!
Однокласс ник )(T)(S)(
I can not find this movie