29 июл 2019

Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL

♛ Carlsson ♛  ⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄ ⁄⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ AMG
♛ Carlsson ♛ ⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄ ⁄⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ AMG
super voce are bravooooooooooooooo
Erica Na
voce super! dar ea macar sa uitat la textul cantecului? " rusii nici nu stiu bine a pronunta..
Irina Paraschiv
Irina Paraschiv
Olga DM
Olga DM
are o voce superba.....si este si foarte frumoasa
galina barbarosie
galina barbarosie
talantlivaia devushka!jellaiu udaci!
Mihail PMA
Mihail PMA
imi place enorm vocea ei
Светлана Семёнова(Жилкина)
Светлана Семёнова(Жилкина)
на евровидение ее надо!!!!
Popescu Sasha
Popescu Sasha
o adevarata talentata merita a fi o cintareata cu autoritate
Вероника Сахеишвили
Вероника Сахеишвили
Lidia Ciobanu (Triboi)
Аркадий Благаполучающий
Аркадий Благаполучающий


Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL
Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL Видео: Aida Nikolaychuk - Adele - [ Rolling In The Deep ] - [ X-Factor 2 ] - FINAL